Auth, Login, Signup and Signin flow

The auth flow is used for login and signup. It has 4 different initiation urls, and contains several steps based on client configuration. You can initiate the flow by either using path

  • /flow/login, to render a login view
  • /flow/signup, to render a signup view
  • /flow/auth, to render the either signup or login, based on if we recognize the user or not (recommended)
  • /flow/signin, to render a signin view and let the user login without credentials

URL Path: /flow/auth, /flow/login, /flow/signup, /flow/signin,

How it works

The login flow can be just one step, or it can be more. It depends on the current state of the user, and client configuration.

  • Step 1: Login or Signup
  • Step 2: Verify step, only shown if user is unverified
  • Step 3: Two factor authentication, only shown if client configuration require it
  • Step 4: Accept agreement, only shown if user has not accepted the latest agreement
  • Connect to client, an invisible step where user gets connected to client
  • Step 5: Required fields step, only shown if client require fields user have not filled
  • Step 6: Verify phone step, only shown if client configuration require it
  • Step 7: Notifications step, not currently in use

Flow is initiated by path /flow/auth, /flow/login or /flow/signup and require query parameters client_id, redirect_uri and response_type. Optional query parameters include, among others, cancel_redirect_uri and locale.

The locale parameter may include any of the supported locales in Schibsted account.

Signin flow

Sign-in flow is a slight exception. It lets user to log in without providing his/hers credentials by using an unique, one at a time, valid for 5 minutes token.

  • Step 1: Signin view with e-mail input OR correct API endpoint
  • Step 2: Receiving e-mail
  • Optional step: Error page if link is expired or invalid
  • Step 3: Accept agreement, only shown if user has not accepted the latest agreement
  • Connect to client, an invisible step where user gets connected to client
  • Step 4: Required fields step, only shown if client require fields user have not filled
  • Step 5: Verify phone step, only shown if client configuration requires it

How it looks

Client teaser and Custom CSS is applied to all of the steps. See Flows for more info.


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